Job Descriptions and Qualification Factors

A Psychological Operations Specialist is an information and media specialist who can assess the information needs of a target population and develop and deliver the right message at the right time and place to create the intended result. The Psychological Operations Specialist is primarily responsible for the analysis, development and distribution of information used for information and psychological effect.

Duties performed by PSYOPS community include:

Trains and maintains proficiency in all major duties. Assists in collection and reporting psychological operations related information and processing that information into intelligence to support psychological operations. Assists in evaluating and analyzing current intelligence, psychological operations studies and estimates to determine psychological operations targets. Operates psychological operations dissemination equipment and assists in the delivery of psychological operations products. Assists in the packing of psychological operations products for delivery by various means. Prepares, stores and retrieves information on psychological operations related intelligence, plans, campaigns and products. Assists and performs intelligence functions as required.

Coordinates resources requirements for the development, production and dissemination of PSYOP productions. Assists in the integration of psychological operations planning in support of conventional, special operations and deception planning. Assists in determining the appropriate mix of media, relative to available assets, to disseminate PSYOP products. Evaluates and analyze current intelligence, psychological operation studies and estimates to determine psychological operation targets. Identifies psychological vulnerabilities and susceptibilities of psychological operation targets.


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